- Fix 0.3 -> Fixed "replace" function. -> Fixed "export" function for image formats. -> IMPORT OBD function is now backwards compatible with OBD files created with OFFICIAL ObjectBuilder versions. -> OBDv2 files NOT supported -> OBD files created with Athenuz ObjectBuilder version NOT supported. -> Updated and improved the animator editor: -> You can create a full working outfit with frame groups from a image sheet with this tool! -> It will split the image and auto calculate the frame groups for you, then you can export it to a compatible OBD file -> and import into your files! -> Please read thread at otland for more information about this tool and it's limits. -> Added every missing Tibia versions to versions.xml - Fix 0.2 -> Fixes the bug causing the Tibia client to crash with always animated outfits (rotworms, bonelords, etc) -> Added Tibia 10.91 to versions.xml - Fix 0.1 -> Fixed a bug when exporting animated items. - Release version -> http://www.padventures.org/jano/README.txt