Brazillian Family

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Owner: Bkbrian
World: Diamond
Members: 27
Guildhall: None
Founded 3 months ago (February 12th, 2024)
Bkbrian268 (Gogo Catch Sh) Arquiteto198 (Lendario Arq)
Marstrevor Vargas156
Red Nose Bleck Kar196 (El Mito) Russo Mitch188
Graytexx143 Benjamim135
Heeenry148 Chapolliin collorado400
Toure Diamond291 Kirk Hammet201
Ekkpai145 Zefelipe138
Guts Ashitakamaru136 Morfeull132
Bkbrian Legacy130 Richter Oak126
Misfits123 Rekkon110
Lirou Black100 Obochy90
Vero80 Reidocatch71
Ulruquiora67 Bacalahus52
Anthony24 Gohn18


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